Sunday, July 1, 2007

T3E Awards Controversy

Hey, everyone.

I might as well address this while I'm on. I know some of you are angry about the whole 'T3E Awards" fiasco. The reason for it being postponed is mainly due to the voting system. I still needed more votes for the tie breaker. Also, another reason is I had a guest presenter, but I couldn't get the names of the winners yet to send to them.

In other news, I'm finally revamping my Podcast! I'm conjunction with Josh "Rob Van Ed" Asa's 'T3E Newsletter", I will be reporting news about the Eds (fake and real), Cartoon Network news (real), Current Events in the world, and news on the forum, such as the recent Tak v. Phelps debaccle.

Anyway, God Bless!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its ok